To my Vancouver friends...
Let me give you a little lesson on Saskatchewan.
Friday, April 28th. Maximum temperature: 24.7 degrees Celsius. My mother and grandmother are weeding in the backyard. All is summertime and sunshine.
Let me give you a little lesson on Saskatchewan.
Friday, April 28th. Maximum temperature: 24.7 degrees Celsius. My mother and grandmother are weeding in the backyard. All is summertime and sunshine.
Jump to Wednesday, May 2nd, the present day, a mere five days later. I wake up and look out the window. Here is what I see...
Maximum temperature: 2 degrees Celsius. With 31 km/h winds, it feels like -4 degrees Celsius. All is Christmastime and snowflakes.
C'mon, Saskatchewan. You think this will scare me away? Snow in May? You can do better than that.