Well, I suppose it's about time I got myself a blog. And I suppose Christmas is as good a day as any to start it.

I have participated in many conversations with people who have various opinions about blogs. I must admit I do enjoy reading other people's blogs. Sometimes it makes me feel like a voyeur, since these people whose lives I'm looking into can't see mine. Sometimes it makes me feel silly, when I'm reading people's thoughts who live five minutes away from me, who I should really be asking out for coffee to actually TALK about our thoughts. And I've been a silent witness to the "comment wars" that have bruised the emotions of many people who are close to me. Anytime there's written text, where everything is open to interpretation and you can't always determine the tone or the level or sarcasm intended, this is a danger. It happens on MSN too, and in e-mails.

But I've also seen the redeeming qualities - people get the chance to share things they've been thinking about that no one would necessarily ask them about. Sometimes it's raw, and writing it down helps them work out the kinks. And constructive comments can show support and refine the thought by showing other facets of it. I'm a very analytical person. Through half a year of careful analysis, I've concluded that blogs are valuable. Dangerous but valuable if handled with care.

So I'm going to write my ideas, my inspirations, things I like, things I'm not sure about - probably not very regularly, only as often as they come. I'm probably not going to be very vulnerable. I've only recently been learning about how to do that with people I know and trust and see face to face, and I don't think this is the best place to practice. If you want to really know me, call me up, and we'll go for coffee, and probably go much deeper than I could ever go on this blog, show a more complete picture of who I am. And I'd get the added bonus of understanding who you are, which I can't get at all using this blog. But there's not always time for this. I'm starting this blog because something is better than nothing. Here, you can see one side of me. The intellectual, thinker, dreamer, wonder-er side. I hope you will comment - even if you don't agree with me. Even more, I hope something you read will spark a conversation when I see you in person. I hope it will inspire further ideas in you. I hope God will teach us both something. I think he can use anything. Even blogs.
